Care Instructions

Caring for silver jewellery is important to maintain its lustre and prevent tarnish. Silver is a precious metal that can be susceptible to tarnishing over time, especially when exposed to air and certain chemicals. Here are some care instructions to help you keep your silver jewellery looking its best:

1. Storage: When not wearing your silver jewellery, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity. Consider using individual soft cloth pouches that your pieces are supplied with or a jewellery box with anti-tarnish lining to prevent scratching and reduce exposure to air.

2. Keep it Dry: Avoid exposing your silver jewellery to water, moisture, and chemicals as they can accelerate tarnishing. Remove silver jewellery before swimming, showering, doing household chores, or using cleaning products.

3. Avoid Perfume and Lotions: Apply perfume, lotions, and hairspray before putting on your silver jewellery. These products can contain chemicals that may tarnish the metal.

4. Polishing: Regularly polish your silver jewellery to maintain its shine and remove tarnish. You can use a soft, non-abrasive polishing cloth specifically designed for silver. Gently rub the jewellery to restore its lustre.

5. Be Gentle: When handling silver jewellery, be gentle to avoid bending or damaging delicate parts.

6. Avoid Chlorine and Saltwater: Avoid exposing silver jewellery to chlorine (found in swimming pools and hot tubs) and saltwater, as they can cause corrosion and damage the metal.

7. Check for Loose Stones: If your silver jewellery includes gemstones, periodically check for loose stones to avoid potential loss.

By following these care instructions, you can enjoy your silver jewellery for years to come and keep it looking as beautiful as the day you acquired it.